British-Italian Exchange

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Listening and understanding a story

At first pupils listened to the animated reading of the “Very hungry caterpillar” without reading but trying to understand the meaning by watching the pictures of the book and the mime and gestures of their teacher or trainee teacher. Then pupils made a booklet by folding a white sheet in order to make the sequences of the story visual and evident. Finally they copied from the blackboard the English sentences as a start to read and write by recognizing known words.
pictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar story
pictures of the caterpillar story pictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar storypictures of the caterpillar story